Thursday, November 19, 2009

Hanging Out

Salam, hye.... today i don't know what to post to this blog but just want to share wif u guys few pictures during i hanging out with my friends at One Utama, Bandar Utama, Selangor last sunday (15.11.09).... i have very good time with them, playing bowl and watching muvee (2012).... hehehehe,

3 of us


'Aqilah and Ku Nazurah, love to see their smile... very happy

Me and 'Aqilah

That's all... after watching muvee... then i send both of them to their college again... :)

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Just some advice...

Salam dan selamat sejahtera...

Ermm, maybe most of u will feel confuse why did i put this picture rite? to be honest, i also don't know what the purpose i put this pic... heheehe, besides... i just want to put it...

Actually... i want to share something to all my fren... nowadays, we are in teenage life... there are a lot of thing that we have to understand, and there's a lot of thing that we have to learn... So, from here i think, friends give the most very important role in our life as a teenager...

What did i mean by fren, ok.... usually, if we are around 17 - 23 years old, we will be easily follow what people are doing especially our frens... therefore, try to search someone for the best frens that can show u the best way to be a human, don't ever pick a fren that will mess up ur life with anything that are not important...

From here, i want to thank to all my frens from SK CBN 2, SMKAKL, Legendarian and UEL eventhough we are not too close but i'm very thankful coz i have fren like u guys... thanx to all yaaa...especially to all my SMKAKL frens, etiher my senior or junior too... u all such a good fren i ever had in mylife... thanx once again...

Ok, i think that's all for now... just want to give some advice especially to all muslim... If u r think that u r muslim, come let follow all the rules in Islam, Islam is easy religion, it's not a religion that burden urlife... so, the most important thing... don't ever leave ur solat, coz that is the compulsory activity to us as a muslim...

Ok, that's all for now... Salam

Monday, November 2, 2009

Hepi :)

Salam dan selamat sejahtera...

Now, i'm having some times to post something here... Oh man, first of all... I want to thanx to Allah coz give me sometimes that very precious until i don't know what to say. Second thing, i want to thanx to my parents cause both of them are very cool... u want to know why i feel extremely happy like..

Ok, now i want to tell u all... last saturday, i ask my parents to bring me to the car shop. U know what? i just estimate that my parents want to bring me to the second hand shop car and just looking around... oh gosh!!!! my parents brings me to the luxuries car shop.... All the luxuries car, [ferrari, lamborghini, audi sports car, aston martin, SLK, Nissan GTR, and etc.] all of it are in front of my eyes... huhuhu, i feel so happy at that time...

Now, i want to share few picture that i had snap from that shop... very precious moment at th
at time... i'll never forget it...

Me, Inside the Lombrghini

Audi Sports Car, do u want to know the price? over 1 Million... huhuhu, I wish i could have one... hehehehehe

Wif My mom besides the red ferrari

Red ferrari again

With my future car.... hehehehe

Nissan GTR, the fastest car and the best car... I think... hehehehe

Merce SLK... very nice car

Friday, October 30, 2009

Tiada Topik...

Salam and selamat sejahtera semua...

Huhuhu, now i feel very guilty to my blog coz i'm not post anything since i continue my new sem... but now i have few times to type something here... well, even thought my english are very very very broken, but i still want to type in english... so, if anyone are very good in english u r very welcome to correct my mistake yaa... help each other to be a better person....
I just want to share something...

Past few days, i had broken one of my friend heart.. i feel so guilty to her until i send 6 sms to her phone and make 1 voice msg at last she forgive me.... thanx to her and thanx to Allah sbb bukak hati that girl... so to the person [i won't let anyone know he
r name...sorry] i'm very....very....very sorry, once again...

So, from here.. i want to tell u guys... even thought there a few people said that if u gone 1 friend, u can search for 100 new friends rite... but for me, it's not true... friends are still friends... even u fight wif them like crazy... he/she still ur fren... so, here i want to share one poem about my friend... i dedicate this poem especially to the person i hurt yesterday.... sorry once again...

My Friend

My Friend when I think of you.

I think of all that we've been through.

All the times we argue and fight,

I know deep inside that it isn't right.

I, then feel bad and a lot of pain.

It feels like I've fallen from the sky like the rain.

I love you dear friend with all of my heart.

you are my friend and that is true,

but the gift was given from me to you.

we went thru moments that were good and bad,

even moments that were happy and sad.

you suported me when i was in tears,

we stuck together when we were in fear,

its really sad that it had to be this way,

but it has reached its very last day.

miles away cant keep us apart,

'cause you'll always be in my heart.


Friday, September 18, 2009

Salam Aidilfitri

Salam and selamat sejahtera semua...

waaa, sedar tak sedar... dah hampir 1 bulan kita menjalani ibadah puasa kan.... tapi xde rase apa2 pown...x rase penat, x rase lapa... cuma dahaga tu ada ckit ler... hehehehe.... [eh x bek ckp cmtu], kita kene faham konsep puasa... iaitu menahan diri daripada lapar dan dahaga.... insya-ALLAH kita dapat jadi hambaNYA yang cemerlang di dunia mahupun di AKHIRAT.... insya-ALLAH

Selepas bulan ramadhan., syawal bakal menjelma.... di sini saya mahu menyusun 10 jari memohon maaf kepada semua sahabat-sahabat ku dr sekolah tadika sampai sekarang... maaf kan kesilapan saya antara sedar dan tidak yer.... sesungguhnya memaafkan kesalahan orang lain adalah amalan yang mulia... insya-ALLAH.... ok, bg sesapa yg x dapat kad raya... harap dimaafkan... hehehe, xde alamat korang.... n bg yang x dapat, bawah ni saya ada attachkan kad raya drpd ahli keluarga saya... MOHON AMPUN DAN MAAF DARIPADA KAMI SEKELUARGA YAA.... TQ


Monday, August 10, 2009

Temuduga Sebagai : Calon Jenazah


A. Ahli Syurga Dari Awal.
B. Ahli Neraka Dari Awal.
C. Ahli Neraka Sementara Kemudian Akan Dilantik Jadi Ahli Syurga.

EMPAT GANJARAN LUMAYAN (khas untuk jawatan A):
1. Nikmat kubur.
2. Perlindungan di Padang Mahsyar.
3. Keselamatan Meniti Titian Sirat.
4. Syurga yang kekal abadi.

Bila-bila masa secara adhoc bermula dari saat membaca iklan ini.

Di dalam kubur (alam barzakh).

Anda tidak perlu bawa siji-sijil,termasuk sijil saham termasuk saham Internet.
Anda tidak perlu bawa pingat , Mercedes mata belalang atau kad kredit.
Anda tidak perlu bawa wang atau harta serta emas yang anda kumpul.
Anda tidak perlu berparas rupa yg cantik, hensem atau berbadan tegap atau seksi.
Sila bawa dokumen asal iaitu : Iman dan Amal serta sedekah jariah sebagai sokongan.

Mungkar dan Nakir.

1. Siapa Tuhan anda?
2. Apa Agama anda?
3. Siapa Nabi anda?
4. Apa Kitab anda?
5. Di mana Kiblat anda?
6. Siapa Saudara anda?


Anda cuma perlu menunggu penjemput yang berkaliber untuk menjemput anda. Ia akan menjemput anda pada bila-bila masa saja (mungkin sekejap lagi). Ia akan berlembut kepada orang-orang tertentu dan akan bengis kepada orang-orang tertentu.

Ia diberi nama Izrail.

Hadis Hasan yang diriwayatkan oleh Ahmad Hanbal, yang bermaksud begini:

Sabda Rasulullah S.A.W:

"Sesungguhnya apabila jenazah seseorang itu diletakkan di dalam kuburnya, sesungguhnya jenazah itu mendengar suara (terompah kasut) orang-orang yang menghantarnya ke kubur pada saat mereka meninggalkan tempat itu. Jika mayat itu seorang muslim, maka solat yang dilakukannya ketika beliau masih hidup di dunia akan diletakkan di kepalanya, puasanya diletakkan disebelah kanannya, zakatnya diletakkan di sebelah kirinya dan amalan kebajikan daripada sedekah jariah, silaturrahim, perkara kebajikan dan ihsan diletakkan dihujung dua kakinya." Ia akan didatangi malaikat dari aras kepala, maka solat itu berkata kepada malaikat : dari arasku tidak ada jalan masuk. Kemudian malaikat berpindah ke sebelah kanan, maka puasa berkata kepadanya : dari arasku tidak ada jalan masuk. Kemudian malaikat berpindah kesebelah kiri, maka zakat berkata kepadanya : dari arasku tidak ada jalan masuk.

Kemudian di datangi dari arah kedua hujung kakinya dan berkatalah amal-kebajikan : di bahagianku tidak ada jalan masuk. Maka malaikat berkata kepadanya : Duduklah kamu. Kepadanya (mayat) memperlihatkan matahari yang sudah mula terbenam, lalu malaikat bertanya kepada mayat itu : Apakah pandangan kamu tentang seorang laki-laki (Muhammad) yang kamu dahulu sentiasa bercakap tentangnya; dan bagaimana penyaksian kamu kepadanya? Maka berkata mayat itu : Tinggalkan aku sebentar, aku hendak sembahyang. Maka berkata malaikat : Sesungguhnya engkau akan mengerjakan solat (boleh saja solat) tetapi jawab dahulu apa yang kami tanya ini. Apakah pandangan kamu tentang seorang laki -laki (Muhammad) yang kamu dahulu sentiasa bercakap tentangnya; dan bagaimana penyaksian kamu kepada nya? Maka berkata mayat itu: Laki-laki itu ialah! Nabi Muhammad S.A.W dan aku naik saksi bahawa nabi Muhammad saw itu ialah pesuruh Allah yang membawa kebenaran daripada Allah Subhanahu Wata'ala. Maka malaikat berkata kepada mayat itu : Demikianlah kamu dihidupkan dan begitu juga kamu dimatikan dan dengan demikian juga kamu dibangkitkan semula diakhirat insya'Allah. Kemudian dibuka baginya satu pintu syurga, maka dikata padanya itulah tempat kamu dan itulah janji Allah bagi kamu dan kamu akan berada di dalamnya. Maka bertambahlah gembira mayat itu. Kemudian dilapangkan kuburnya seluas 70 hasta dan disinari cahaya baginya".

Sila war-warkan tawaran jawatan kosong ini kepada semua sahabat.

Wallahu-a'lam. Semoga berjaya dalam temuduga ini.
Sila lihat tawaran-tawaran lain sebelum menjadi jenazah

Sahabat, I'm Back

Salam Sahabat semua... sorry sebab dah lama tak update blog nih... now, i'm back...sume keje dah x berat...n insya-ALLAH blog ni akan diupdate semula seperti biasa... tujuan blog ni diadakan sbnrnyer is bout my life... n i want to put some tazkirah untuk renungan kita semua... rajin2 ler melawat kat blog ni yer... ok, sampai sini dlu... i'll update my blog with more tazkirah after this... insya-ALLAH..... wassalam

Friday, May 29, 2009


Mesti u all tertanya-tanya, apa amalan yg tidak putus pahalanya bukan??? baru je jap td, i visit again and i saw this article... i just copy from there n want to share wif u guys....

Sabda Nabi Muhammad s.a.w. :

Amal manusia yang tidak pernah putusnya mendapat pahala disisi Allah, Ada tiga perkara:

AMAL-JARIAH: Amal Jariah ertinya pekerjaan yang baik umpamanya dia menyumbangkan tenaga atau harta atau fikiran kepada masyarakat untuk pembaikan atau pembiayaan untuk masjid, musolla, madrasah, rumah sakit dan sebagainya maka selagi masjid masih digunakan beribadat, musolla dan madrasah dipakai orang, maka selama itu pula orang tadi mendapat pahala di sisi Tuhan.

Tapi kebanyakan orang berfaham amal jariah itu hanya untuk agama sahaja padahal untuk umum pun termasuk amal jariah juga. Misalnya : Sebuah Jalan atau jambatan yang umum diguna kerosakan, kemudian secara bergotong-royong masyarakat setempat beramai-ramai memperbaiki itupun termasuk amal jariah.

Org awam berpendapat yang dikatakan amal soleh adalah cuma solat dan puasa saja padahal bukan yang demikian. Yang dimaksudkan dengan kata "amal soleh" adalah perbuatan yang baik, baik dalam pandangan mata umum dan juga pandangan agama. Maka tandanya orang beriman, ialah yang suka melakukan amal kebajikan.

ANAK YANG SOLEH (ANAK YG BAIK) Sudah jelas jika orang ingin mempunyai anak yang soleh, tidak mudah diperolehi begitu saja. Maka yang pertama wajib atas org tua mengajar anak dengan pendidikan agama. Selain menghantar anaknya ke sekolah umum dan sekolah agama, orang tua juga harus memberi contoh yang baik kepada anaknya dengan melaksanakan perintah agama. InsyaAllah anak itu akan mencontohi orang tuanya.

ILMU YANG DIAJARKAN KPADA ORANG LAIN Adapun yang dimaksudkan dengan ilmu adalah bukan ilmu agama sahaja. Ilmu itu adalah umum, ilmu ertinya adalah "Pengetahuan". Sebagaimana Sabda Rasulullah s.a.w. : 'Sempurnanya agama dengan ilmu, sempurnanya dunia juga dengan ilmu."

Jadi tegaslah ilmu apa saja yg telah diajarkan kepada orang lain dan orang lain itu mendapat manfaat dari ilmu tersebut, maka org pertama yang mengajarkannya jika dia seorang muslim dia mendapat pahala yg tidak habis disisi Allah s.a.w.

Misalnya org pandai membetulkan radio rosak kemudian kepandaiannya diajarkan pada orang lain, lalu orang itu mendapat manfaat daripadanya yang disunatkan untuk mencari nafkah, maka orang yang mengajarkannya mendapat pahala "jariyah" dari sisi Allah s.w.t.

marilah kiter bermuhasabah kembali ttg nasib diri ini, marilah sama-sama kita menambahkan pahala kita dan mengurangkan dosa kita... insya-ALLAH, ALLAH maha pengampun lagi maha penyayang, hanya dia sahaja yang boleh memaafkan segala dosa kita..... insya-ALLAH....

ingatlah wahai pembaca, hidup ni hanya sekali... semakin dekat kiter pada tarikh lahir kiter, bermaksud semakin hampir diri kiter untuk bertemu dengan ALLAH S.W.T, marilah sama2 kiter beristighfar semoga ALLAH mengampunkan dosa hambanya... aaaammmiiiiinnnn....


Monday, May 25, 2009


Salam, berbalik pada post lepas.... saya ada beritahu dengan kejadian yang berlaku pada diri ini during my final exam rite... baru je kjp td.... i surf internet and go to and saya ada terbace 1 artikel ttg "Ujian itu Rahsia ALLAH" di sini saya mahu share kan bersama kalian semua....

Setiap manusia yang Allah cipta sentiasa akan diberi musibah,ujian atau masalah hidup didunia yang sementara ini.Tipu jika seseorang itu berkata yang dia tidak pernah ditimpa musibah. Setiap orang ada masalahnya tersendiri,Allah uji dengan berbagai-bagai ujian tetapi sebabnya adalah sama. Allah menguji seseorang itu kerana Allah swt mempunyai rahsianya tersendiri,sama ada Allah hendak tambah iman kita atau hendak uji sejauh mana keimanan kita. Dan kerana sesuatu ujian itulah yang membuka mata hati kita,yang mendidik kita supaya jangan mudah putus asa dalam kehidupan yang bagaikan bahtera dilautan yang penuh dengan onak duri,ujian juga dapat mematangkan kita.

Kadang-kadang kita tertanya-tanya, mempersoalkan kepada Allah swt kenapa kita diberi ujian yang berat sebegitu sekali sehingga kita terlupa pada siapa yang perlu kita mengadu segala masalah kita, pada siapa kita harus minta kembali kekuatan kita. Astagfirullah, lemahnya dan rendahnya iman kita. Tidak redha dalam menghadapi ujian yang Allah beri terhadap kita. Jika kita anggap diri kita ditimpa musibah yang besar kita hendaklah ingat bukan kita sahaja yang mengalaminya,mungkin ada sahabat-sahabat kita @ saudara seakidah kita yang lain menghadapi musibah yang sama bahkan lebih teruk atau lebih besar dari kita.

Bukankah,Allah telah berkata dengan jelas di dalam Al-Quran yang Allah tidak akan sekali-kali menguji hambaNya diluar kemampuan hambaNya. Allah tahu kita kuat dalam menghadapi ujianNya jadi Allah berikan ujian itu ke atas diri kita. Di sini kita dapat lihat betapa sayang dan kasihnya Allah kepada kita sebagai hambaNya.

Allah menguji seseorang bukan kerana Allah benci kepada kita tetapi percayalah yang Allah sangat kasih kepada kita. Cuma kita sebagai hambaNya tidak pernah hendak bersabar dalam menghadapi ujianNya. Pasti Allah telah aturkan yang terbaik buat kita kerana setiap yang berlaku ada hikmahnya.

Alihkan pandangan matamu ke arah LAUT, airnya cantik membiru dan penuh dengan ketenangan. Tetapi hanya Allah sahaja yang mengetahui rahsia di dalamnya. Begitu juga dengan kehidupan manusia, riang dan ketawa tetapi hanya Allah yang mengetahui rahsia kehidupannya. Jika rasa kecewa, alihkan pandanganmu ke arah SUNGAI, airnya tetap mengalir biarpun berjuta batu yang menghalangnya. Dan jika rasa sedih,alihkan pandanganmu ke arah LANGIT, sedarlah dan sentiasa ingatlah bahawa Allah sentiasa bersamamu.

Jadi seharusnya apa yang perlu kita lakukan? berdoalah kepada Allah, Allah lah tempat kembali segala masalah yang sering membelenggu diri kita. Jangan malu untuk merayu-rayu, meminta-minta, memohon-mohon kepada Allah swt.Selalu diingatkan yang Allah tidak pernah jemu mendengar rintihan hambaNya, Allah itu Maha Mendengar.

Dekatkanlah diri kita dengan pencipta kita yang menguasai seluruh alam, yang memegang hati-hati kita. Disamping berdoa perlulah kita berusaha menyelesaikan masalah yang dihadapi. Mungkin ada yang rasa diri mereka tidak kuat hendak hadapinya tetapi cubalah bangun! Usah tewas dengan hasutan syaitan, cari kembali kekuatan kita kerana kekuatan itu ada dalam diri kita masing-masing. Yakin dengan diri, kuatkan azam dan cita-cita. Usah tonjolkan kelemahan kita pada syaitan kerana syaitan tidak pernah berhenti menghasut agar kita lemah-selemahnya.

Jika rasa tidak kuat, carilah sahabat-sahabat yang sentiasa memberi kata-kata semangat kepada kita dan bukan sahabat yang menjatuhkan kita. Itulah pentingnya sahabat kerana kita tidak mungkin bisa hidup berseorangan.

Kita perlu tahu selepas ujian itu selesai, satu lagi ujian akan datang, maka bersedialah dalam menghadapi ujian yang seterusnya. Untung bagi mereka yang selalu diberi ujian tanda Allah swt sayang padanya. Semoga kita sentiasa menjadi hambaNya yang sentiasa redha atas ujian dan ketentuan Allah swt. Apa yang ditetapkan untuk kita itulah yang terbaik!

tazkirah di atas di petik drpd


Sunday, May 24, 2009


alhamdulillah, at last i've finish for my first semester for degree.... now i can relax my mind for 4 month holiday.... heheheh, thank you ALLAH, but still uncomfortable.... cn i get good pointer for this semester??? huhuhu.... only Allah knows rite, just pray for my success yaa...

i want to share wif u guys what happened to me during my final exam for 3 days.... for the first day, i got "cirit-birit n muntah2" on that day.... and continue to the second day.... and the last day, i got very bad headache.... huhhuhu, but only ALLAH knows what the best for his slave rite??....


u all want to know something? i don't want just to stay at home for 4 month.... it's so bored, i think i want to search some job during my holiday.... at least i can get some money and an experience during i'm working.... heheheheh....

end of this month, my parents want to brings whole family for vacation.... insya-ALLAH, i will share wif u guys the vacation picture.... hehehehe..... for the place, let it be secret first yaaa.... just watch n look.... hehehehe

ok2, that's all for now.... my bed is start calling me.... need to rest.... salam

Saturday, May 16, 2009


salam sume, hari ni ak nk wish selamat hari guru pada semua guru2 yg pernah mengajar diriku ini [cikgu sekolah tadika kg.baru, sekolah tadika fatima, convent bukit nanas 2, sekolah menengah agama kuala lumpur, + guru2 tuition dr skool rendah hingga skool menengah).... walaupown aku sering kali gagal waktu skool dlu.... cikgu ttp sabar n tabah mengajar anak muridnya terutama skali aku.... huhuhu, biler dikenang kan blk... rase menyesal sgt sbb x pat nk jd pelajar cemerlang.... bg guru2 hepi ngan kejayaan anak murid mereka... maafkan saya cikgu...

tidak dilupakan guru2 yg mengajar aku memandu.... guru memandu AU3 IMKEDA keramat, n Akademi memandu nilai, Negeri sembilan... tanpa cikgu sy x leh nak bawak kete until now... heheheh

and now, thanx to all my lecturer from institut teknologi pertama nad mostly University of East London (L.E.G), without u.... until now i dun know what's civil engineering, quantity surveyour n architecture design do.... hehehe, thanx once again....

walaupown dlu aku gagal... aku x nk gagal utk selamanya.... dlu maybe aku terlalu byk bermain sehinggakan terlupa akan pelajaran ku, kini aku dah sdr.... siapa diriku, alhamdulillah aku dah berjaya takat waktu ini, insya-ALLAH aku akan belajar dengan lbh bersungguh2 utk hepi kan hati guru-guruku n mostly my parents.... without them b4 this, i don't know A,B,C or alif,ba,ta or 1,2,3 i cn be success girl.... insya-ALLAH.... ok that's all.... once again,


Sunday, May 10, 2009


salam.... alhamdulillah, hari ini berlalu dengan lancar....terima kasih ALLAH.... kami berjaya wat kejutan to my mom.... celebrate mother's day yg my mom pown x sangke we can do like that.... my mom face was very shocked look at us (me & ma bro).... today is the special day to all mother's out there.... i want to wish u all again, HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY.... without u, we all didn't live in this world.... terima kasih ALLAH....

besides, i'm very happy today... i send a lot of sms to all my mom.... that's mean, i sent to all my teacher, my aunt, my grandmother and even my maid.... even she's maid.... but she's also like my mom as well....

just now, i watch one movie at Zee Channel (108 Astro).... the title of that muvee is Taare Maneem Par [if i'm not mistaken].... the story is very nice.... nak tau x cter tuh pasal aper? xper ler walaupown korang x nk tau... i still want to share the story wif u guys.... cter bermula.... ade seorang guru ni (Amir Khan).... dier dtg mengajar sementara kat sebuah skolah nih.... dier ni ajar matapelajaran Seni.... dier rasekan, seni adalah satu benda dimana semua org dapat meluahkan segala isi hati dan bakat yg terpendam... then, dier jumpe sorang budak nih... name nyer ishaan, ishaan ni sgt pendiam n asyik memendam rase.... sampaikan 1 hari aamir khan terpaksa cari mslh budak nih sndr.... ishaan ni slalu gagal dalam matapelajaran, slalu kene denda duduk luar kelas sbb byk sgt kesilapan yg dia buat... then aamir khan rase x sdp hati, dier pegi r kat umah parents ishaan, rupenyer... ishaan ni budak yg sgt pandai.... byk sgt lukisan yg dier dah hasilkan b4 this, cume maybe dier memendam rase jew, sbb parents dier cam pinggirkan dier coz he's not a bright student like his brother.... then, after aamir khan dpt tau sume bende tuh... dier jumpe pengetua tuk izinkan ishaan dpt 1 lg peluang, sbb dier kater ishaan ni mmg bright student... then, after a few days, drpd x tau membace jd tahu membace, drpd x tahu mengeja jadi tahu mengeja, drpd slalu muram n dier dah mula senyum lps aamir khan wat special tutoring wif him....lastly, aamir khan nk keluar kan bakat ishaan nih at that school... dier buat 1 pertandingan melukis kat skool tuh.... nak tau saper yg menang? ishaan!!! lukisan dier adalah yg terbaik antare sume student n teacher kat skool tuh... ishaan sebak giler waktu tuh... and my eyes start raining.... heheheh...

the moral that i can get from this story, jgn pandang rendah pada org lain, walaupown dier x cemerlang dalam mata pelajaran, tp dier ade bakat lain dlm diri mereka.... mungkin dlu dier bukan bright student in primary n secondary... but once he or she get what they one... at that time, no one can beat he or she.... selain itu.... kasih sayang amat penting bg setiap individu yg hidup atas muka bumi nih.... walaupown dier muda or tua kiter kene bg kasih sayang kat dorang...

I want to ask u something...for u guy...whose the most important... yang muda, or tua?

and for my answer, we have to give our love on both side.... tiada yang tua kalu tidak drpd yang muda... dan yang muda x kan lahir kedunia jika tiada yang tua.... sume tuh penting.... and i want to share wif u guys... pernah x ngok cter kal ho na ho? dlm cter tuh, shah rukh as the actor ade ckp on one of his script... renung blk mata seorang ibu, dalam tuh byk sgt perkara yang dier pendam kan.... tp, di sini.... sy nak ajak kengkawan sume.... apabila anda sedang berkomunikasi dengan seseorang, renunglah mata mereka... anda akan faham perasaan mereka ketika itu.... insya-ALLAH....

pernah x anda dengar org berkata "hormati org yang lebih tua drpd anda".... mmg benar, tetapi.... bagaimana kita mahu org hormati diri kite, sdgkan kiter x hormat mereka as well.... ok r... it's too long for this post... sorry for taking ur time... renungkan kembali aper yang cube saya sampaikan disini....wallahualam... wassalam


wah3, tiap kali dgr perkataan ibu....mesti hatiku rase sebak sgt...huhuhu, betapa besarnyer pengorbanan seorang ibu yg melahirkan diri ini ke dunia.... betapa sabarnya beliau melalui saat-saat kesakitan yg teramat itu.... betapa tabah nyer beliau yg melalui saat suka dan duka menjaga kerenah anak-anak.... beliau itu lah yg patut digelar ibu, mak, mom, mother, n umi.

di hari yang indah ini, I want to wish HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to my mom.... (Rohani bt. Jamaluddin).... selamat hari ibu mak.... akak syg sgt kat mak.... walopown akak tau akak paling nakal anatara anak-anak mak yg len, tp mak ttp dlm ingatan akak n the most in my heart....

disebalik senyuman mu,
terdapat seribu satu masalah,
yg membelengu jiwamu,
tetapi, engkau ttp tabah melalui saat-saat itu,
terima kasih ibu.

ketika aku sakit,
engkau sentiasa berada disisiku,
menjagaku sehingga lewat malam,
terima kasih ibu.

walaupun aku sering kali menyakitimu,
tetapi, engkau ttp bersabar dan
ttp mempamerkan senyumanmu pada diriku,
terima kasih ibu,

tiada benda yg boleh membahagiakan diriku ini,
selain daripada dirimu ibu,
dengan doa dan restumu,
aku berjaya dalam hidupku ini,
terima kasih ibu,

ampunkan dosa2 anakmu ini ibu,
dan aku ingin ibu tahu satu perkara,
anakmu ini, sangat syg padamu...
maka dengan itu...
aku ingin ucapkan,
pada ibu-ibu sedunia....

gmbr bersama mak n abah....

Thursday, May 7, 2009


salam... errmm, i don't know what to post for this time.... but, before i'm waiting for isyak just now... i heard one song... "lilin seorang guru".... huhuhu, tetibe i really miss all my teacher that teach me until now.... huhuhu... below i'm shared wif u guys my SMAKL ... i feel very sorry to my CBN2 teachers.... i don't have ur picture rite now.... very sad... huhuhuhu.... but dun worry, u're still in my mind and of course in my heart.....

lirik lagu "lilin seorang guru" kalo hayati bebetol.... mesti rase sgt terharu dgn pengorbanan seorang yg bergelar guru.....

Pernah langkah ku payah
Menuju ke destinasi
Kerana malam gelap
Dan bintang hilang kerdipnya
Menjadikan arah ku keliru
Ke timur atau ke barat
Bagai lilin membakar diri
Menerangi kegelapan hati
Kau curahkan bakti dan budi
Jasamu tiada berganti
Namun tanpa rasa payah
Dia memimpin tanganku
Melangkah satu persatu
Dan mencipta jejak impian
Menjadikan arahku jelas
Aku harus ke hadapan
Ohoo… aku kini rindu
Pada satu nama yang berjasa
Tuhan, beri kekuatan
Untuk mendidikku selamanya
Ku pohon restu kasih-Mu
Ampunkanlah guru-guruku
Semalam ku lihat dia
Di bibirnya ada kalimah
Yang bergetar saban waktu
Sambil tangan menggenggam lilin
Lilin yang tiada terpadam
Menerangi hidupku kini

terima kasih wahai guru2 yg pernah mengajar dan mendidik ku selama ini.... aku amat bersyukur kerana ditakdirkan bertemu dengan guru2 yg sgt baik, berkaliber dan penyayang.... Thank You ALLAH....

Saturday, April 25, 2009

~as i promise before~ LAB WORK....

Salam, hye guys... today as i promise, i would like to share with u guys my lab work picture.... errm, ok let's have a look...

weight machine, where we have to take the weight of all the apparatus

i do't know whats the name of this machine n what the uses of this machine, hhahaha... because we are not using this machine during our lab work.... sori for that

this is machine is use to get the size of fine aggregates.... as u can see there r many layers.... each layer have different size of hole... and the last layer have the smallest hole size.... u have to see it then u can understand what i'm talking about.... hehehehe

this is picture of the concrete during the slump test... our group have success mix the concrete and above r the result, our concrete is standing.... if there are a lot of water contain, the concrete will melt and not standing like picture above .....

i'm in Blue... hehehe, my favourite colour... ermm, we r the only 3 girls in this group.... besides, our class only have 5 girls in 1 class....huhuhu, but it's really interesting.... i want to introduce u guys with my fren.... the girl in the middle name's Naxahath... she's from Maldives... n the other girls name Diana, she's from Malaysia.... hehehehe

lastly, this is my whole group members with our lecturer Mr. Williams, our leader is Mbaruk... the boy who sit in the middle... heheheh Mbaruk from Tanzania.... hehehe....

so, the conclusion, we have a great time doing this lab work.... and for the result.... our concrete is ok and we all are happy n enjoy... ok guys... that's all for now.... insya-ALLAH, anything after this i will share with u guys.... wassalam

p/s: prays for our success in our final exam and test.... and the most important is our assignment.... huhuhu....


Wednesday, April 22, 2009


salam sume, it's been so long i didn't post anything here rite.... hurrmm, today is very great day... this morning, i have lab work for construction materials subject that conducted by mr.williams n kak zura... thanx to them....but, the picture i will share wif u guys maybe on this friday o saturday.... becoz, now i'm at my "LOVELY" college that have the "GREAT" internet connection.... so, i can't share it wif u guys... insya-ALLAH, i promise i'll share at my other post....

after the lab work, we went to the food court, and today Mbaruk treat us.....huhuhu, thanx a lot my friend [MBARUK].... then after all, i feel very tired n i suddenly fall a sleep until 6....huhuhu then tonight.... my brother sms my phone and he ask me to take him to the clinic because he got bad flue n cough n suddelny get asthma.... pity to him.... below is the picture where i snap at the clinic when he took the gas....

huurrmm, now he's feel better.... he got a lot of medicine from the doctor.... thanx to the doctor... we went to poliklinik [i forget the name] at Mantin....

ok, that's all for now, as what i promise to u guys, i'll share the lab work picture....maybe this friday or saturday.... ok, that's wassalam


Thursday, April 16, 2009

KENANGAN [16.4.09]

salam sume, waahh... penat btol hari ni.... huhuhu, mukaku dah terbakar dek matahari yang memancar sepanjang hari ni.... iyer ler, cube bayangkan 5 jam tengah padang without any tempat berteduh.... huhuhu, sedeyh tol.... kalah rasenyer nak berkawad kaki.... ikowt pengalaman aku r kat SMKAKL dlu.... kitroang slalu berkawad dlm 2 jam.... tp byk rehat.... ini 5 jam xde rehat... tp ade gak r aku curi tulang p kdai jap p beli air.... hehehehe..... xper2, demi civil engineering (course yg diminati) aku sanggup lakukan apa sahaja.... heheheh, insya-ALLAH.... hari ni adalah pengalaman dan esok adalah kehidupan....

kalo korang nak tau kenaper aku kater my face was burn of the sunlight... because today my group for surveying n measurement subject have field work.... surveying activity.... we thought the work is just like preveious activity like levelling, it's quite simple... but this one is more complicated.... but really interesting, because at least we got some idea about surveying.... my lecturer say that, for those who his job is surveyour have very good interest in the future... around RM10,000.... waaah, that's a lot ryte, but based on the project ler...kalo project kecik ne leh dpt gaji byk tuh.... but, if there r huge project, maybe u can get that RM10,000... hehehe.... insya-ALLAH..... rezeki di tangan ALLAH.... heheheh....

now, for this post.... i would like to share some picture that i snap just now when the levelling work.... our group activity start from 8am.... and actually we have to finish around 11am... but because of the work is complicated....we done our work around 1pm.... pity to my lecturer.... he had to cancel his class from 11am-1pm becoz of us.... our field work is not done.... huhuhu, thanx a lot Dr. Fathoni....

ni bayang2 ak.... hehehe, nak menunjukkan betapa panas nyer pagi n tengahari ini.... ngok r.... bebayang pown pjg camtuh.... can u imagine???

gmbr kat atas ni meunjukkan waktu bler dah penat... ak yang tengah minum air smbl check reading yg ade kat kertas tuh.... yg 1 girl tgh diri tuh name nyer Tiur.... dier drpd indonesia, then yg laki tuh lak namenyer Jihbaz.... ni one of my group member.... heheheh

atas ni lak gmbr abang wif brian.... yg tgh teropong tuh.... namenyer Tamara Brian.... dier ni lak drpd zimbabwe.... hehehehe... dorang ni pown apart from my group gak.... sbnrnyer yang teropong tuh... is not teropong btol.... itu namenyer theodolite or total station

so, this is fieldwork activity... sume ngah wat keje ak g snap gmbr.... hehehe, xper2.... tok share ngan u all jugek.... tp aper2 yg aku nak bg tau.... fieldwork sgt best.... tp nasihat ak bg yang baru nak wat fieldwork.... jgn sediakan payung sebelum hujan jew tau.... ade pepatah baru.... sediakan payung sebelum buat fieldwork.... wooo, panas terik....heheheheh

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


just now... when i have my free time... i surf one of my favourite web, i found one of the article that i think really good for us.... just want to share wif u guys... read it first... then think the moral of this story....

“A son’s sacrifice towards his parents is not complete until a situation arises whereby he buys and frees his parents from becoming slaves.” As we already know, we cannot deny the greatness of our beloved parent’s sacrifice, how they have spent most of the time lives to secure our future; their children’s future. From the time we were infants until we become useful people, they care for us. This is a story that relates to their sacrifice; a story about a boy and a tree in a countryside.

Once upon a time, when a boy was a small child, he used to play with a particular tree everyday as a hobby. Tree was very happy and wished that it could stop time from going on so that it could stay with the boy forever. But time goes on by and the boy gradually grows older day by day, year by year. Eventually, he doesn’t play with the tree anymore. So, the tree becomes very sad and lonely.

One gloomy morning, as the tree was standing alone, remembering the happy days they had together, it got a shock joy as the boy come back. He had come to ask for money and the tree didn’t hesitates even the least to give and sacrifice all it had with its capability, shedding all its leaves to give to the boy, leaving it bare and cold. The boy went away happily but didn’t return for along time.

A few years passed by and the boy has grown into a handsome man. Eventually, he came back to visit the tree, asking yet another favor for wood to build of his house. Once again, the tree sacrificed itself and was partly cut down. But again, the boy left the tree alone and never come back anymore.

In this story, the tree symbolizes our parents. The reality today is just as such. Children never appreciate their parents’ sacrifice but always asking for more. Parents, on the other hand, never abandon their children’s hope and sacrifice all they could. Some nowadays think that money could pay for what they have done, that is by giving their parents money. Actually, this concept is totally wrong.

Always remember, love has no substitute, be it billions of dollars or ringgit, no value can match the price of love. One thing need to remember is that, even if you service your parent for whole of your life, you still cannot pay for what they have done for you. The parent’s sacrifices are invaluable.



salam sume, sori yer... lame tol x update blog nih... ye r... diriku ini sudah semakin bz... my final is around d corner... lg 4 minggu = 1 month only.... huhuhuh, doakan ea.... bg dak2 matrik lak... alhamdulillah korang dah bes pekse an? pasni korang nak masuk or sambung U ner lak? per2 pown, decide on wat u want... jgn sbb kan org kiter amek course yg kiter x minat... heheheh...just an advice....

hari ni aq ade test construction materials... bout pavement design... huhuhu, nasib bek aku faham per yg lecturer aku ajar dlm kelas... kalo x fhm, blh pening kepala waktu test td... dah r carry marks 15%, adoooiii.... huhuhuh, doakan yer kengkawan ak dpt keputusan yg cemerlang for this sem....

then td aq p kat HEA... bg yg x tau HEA aper, HEA tuh stands for Hal Ehwal Pelajar... aku amek keputusan or lbh btol sijil IELTS aku yg aku penah post kan dlm blog ni dlu.... alhamdulillah, rezat sgt memeberangsangkan.... skang ni leh ltk rezat SPM ketepi.... tunjuk rezat IELTS n my future degree certificate for searching job.... heheheh.... ni aku nak share kt readers sijil IELTS yang baru aku terima td pg...

nasihat yg aku nak sampaikan kali ni.... bg yg blom amek IELTS n nak amek or duduk for this exam.... first, kene ready for ur mental n physical.... pastikan korang dlm keadaan yg sihat waktu amek IELTS exam nih.... mental lak.... jgn tension2, sbb korang diberi mase just 2.5 hours only for complete all the question.... bg yg baru nak amek.... gud luck to u.... n pd saper yg dah lepas.... alhamdulillah, congrates di ucapkan.... k r, pasni ade one more kelas for today.... pe2 t aku akn post kan kemudian.... salam


Wednesday, April 8, 2009


first award from cebisan harapan

second award from cebisan harapan

well, i get this award from my junior, cebisan harapan (Alia Adilah bt Musa), she's very cool girl... i met her when i was form 2 n she's form 1, our dorm is nearby that's why we meet each other... hehehehe, besides she's very hardwork n have a high level of confidence, that's why she's success in what she r doing.... i hope u can enjoy ur life on what u r doing soon, n don't forget thanx to ALLAH k, coz all the success that we get is from ALLAH.... tq n sorry for everything....

because i get this award, i would like to dedicate this award to all my followers especially my SMKAKL friends, no matter junior or senior... just take this award as one of my appreciate to u


Wednesday, April 1, 2009


last night i listen back the high school musical 3 songs.... the title is "high school musical", the lyrics make me touch... when i hear it back... i'm missing all my SMAKL friends... huhuhuh, now i want to type the lyrics high school musical songs...

Lookin' Forward From Center Stage,
Graduation Day,
Time To Get The Future Started!
What We Leave, What We Take With Us,
No Matter What,
It's Somethin' We're Apart Of!
We Learn To Fly.
Together Side-By-Side.
I Just Want The Rest Of My Life,
To Feel As Good As My,

High School Musical,
Lets Celebrate Where We Come From!
With Friends Who've Been There All Along, Just Like,
High School Musical!

Improvisation Without A Script,
No Ones Written It,
And Now We Have The Chance Too!
Someday We'll Be Lookin' Back,
Memories We've Had,
All The Songs That We Lived Through!
The Best Of Times,
So Why Leave Them Behind.
Why Can’t The Rest Of My Life
Be Like My,

High School Musical,
Who Says We Have To Let It Go?
Its The Best Part We've Ever Known,
Step Into The Future!
We'll Hold On to,
High School Musical,
Let’s Celebrate Where We Come From,
With Friends Who've been There All Along,
Just Like,
Our High School
High School Musical!

Now We Finally Realize
Who We Are, It Just Took Some Time
That You Learn And To Live To See The Truth
Can't You See The Truth?
Nothing's Ever Impossible,
Into The Future With Every Fall.
Until Forever we’ll Always Have High School!

Turn the Party, Let’s Celebrate!
Cause The Worlds One Big Stage,
And In It What You Want, It Can Be Yours!
Everybody Sing, Yeah!
Can You Show Us, Now We're Wanna Go?
It's Where The Status Is Here, Oh.
High School, Lives On Forever More!
High School, High School Musical!

High School Musical,
Who Says We Have To Let It Go?
It's The Best Part We've Ever Known,
Step Into The Future,
We'll Hold On to,
High School Musical,
Lets Celebrate Where We Come From,
With Friends Who've Been There All Along,
Oh Yeah!

I Wish My Life Could Feel Like A,

High School Musical,
Who Says We Have To Let It Go?
It's The Best Part We've Ever Known,
Step Into The Future!
We'll Hold On to,
High School Musical,
Lets Celebrate Where We Come From,
With Friends Who've been There All Along,
That's right, High School Musical!

these two picture is the most memorable picture for me... when i'm in high school....


TAGGED DR lagudarihati....

1. apakah hubungan awak dan dia ? [ dia tuh org y tagged kite ]
sudah semestinya shbt.... friend forever.... insya-ALLAH

2. 5 impression terhadap dia ?
die sweet .
die lembut je .
die baik .
die rajen .
die sng di ajak borak.... hahahaha

3. perkara yang paling memorable y die wat kat awk ?
sume yg dier wat memorable . paling memorable waktu dier gastrik kuat gler satu mase dlu... 1 batch riso.... ish3.... heheheh

4. perkara paling memorable y die kate kat awk ?
entah ler, setip kater2 yg kuar dr mulut seorang shbt tuh sume nyer memorable .

5.kalau die kekaseh awk , awk akn ?
mane leh ler... dier pown pompuan... name dier (NORAISHAH bt RAMLI) pompuankan... hehehe .

6. kalau die jd musuh awk , awk akan ?
hahaha, KALO jd musuh? sy akan lenyek dier cukup2... cm kentang lenyek KFC tuh.... hahha
eh, xde ler... kawan ne leh jd musuh... x baik jd musuh dlm persahabatan nih.... kan sha.... heheheh

7. kalau die kekaseh awk die perlu improve dlm ?
mane boleh.... as i said, dier pompuan ler.... heheheh

8. kalau die jd musuh awk, mungkin kerana ?
entah ler... xde pengalaman ler nak bermusuh2 nih.... sume nyer kawan2 .

9. overall impression tntg die ?
she's nice gurl ...

10. the most desirable thing to her ?
a very good relation.... freind forever...

11. apkh awk rase tntg pndgn org terhdp awk ?
ntah , byk sgt .. antrenye
r a j i n ; entah ler... rasenyer cam malas jew ak nih...

b a i k ; hahah ne de baik.... slalu kenekan org....
m e s r a ; maybe kowt... tp mesra ngan org dikenali je r

k l a k a ; hahaha, x tau naper dorang kater klaka...(lu pk r sendiri)
p a n d a i ; sume org pandai... not just me....
t a l k a t i v e ; ni mmg kowt... setiap saat nak cakap jew... hbs air liur.... heheheh

12. da character of you for yourself ?
i) buat sesuatu jgn dipaksa2 buat dengan rela... baru kerja tu siap.... heheheh
ii) family first.... friend second n lastly for those x kenal third.... heheheh

13. on contrary, the character u hate about you ?
pemalas sgt kowt diri nih.... tp kalo rajin tuh rajin sgt.... ish3, pelik2.....

14. da most ideal person you want to be with ?
entah ler... my future husband.... hahahahah.... insya-ALLAH, nak husband yang soleh n penyayang.... aaaammiiiinnnn....

15. for people who like you, tell smthing about them
syg korang sume....

16. ten people you tag ?
ten? ramai sgt tuh.... 5 je r.... heheheh
eisha... (yg ditag nih)
tqa izni .
izzah .
rafiq .

no 17 - no 21 x nk jwb ler eisha.... hehehehehe
by d way thanx....


salam sume, wah lame tol x update per2 kat blog ni ek...
bz ckit ler skang.... hehehehe,
by d way.... aku pelik gak ler sal tag2 nih....
heheheh, pandai2 jew dak2 ni wat tag sane tag sini...
heheheh, kengkadang soklan nyer same jew, tp masih bertag2 g....
hehehehe.... pelik2, per2 pown... smlm aku bukak 1 blog shbt aku ni...
rupe2 nyer aku pown di tag nyer jugek.... hehehe
per2 pown, for d first time for my friend....
saya balas ler tag nyer tuh.... heheheh

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


salam sume, entry kali ni ak nak bincangkan ttg kaum hawa zaman sekarang...
errmm, aku sedey tol ler ngan kaum hawa zaman sekarang, dorang ni cam xde perasaan malu terhadap kaum lain (lelaki), tunjuk ler dada, pinggang, kengkadang tuh punggung pown nak tunjuk... xde privacy ke yer dlm diri mu wahai kaum hawa (kalo yg terase ler)....

sometimes ape yg aku sedeyh sgt ialah, biler kaum hawa ni dah pakai tudung, dah sopan sume.... x lame pastuh, bukak blk.... aper makne korang pakai tudung? n tutup aurat selama nih? mungkin ramai yg masih x fhm mengapa kiter sebagai kaum hawa diwajibkan memakai tudung n menutup aurat.... besides, ape yg aku lg sedeyh.... pas dorang ni bukak tudung (dah x pakai tudung), pakaian dorang tu lebih seksi drpd b4 dorang pakai tudung tuh....

huhuhu, sedeyhnyer ak.... lagi2 yg berlaku tuh di sekeliling kehidupanku ini.... ak sgt takut nanti biler ditanya di alam barzakh, mengapa tidak menegur sahabat mu itu? itu ler soklan yg paling aku gerun.... kalo dah bg nasihat byk kali pown x jalan.... ak nak tanye korang 1 soklan... harap bende nih leh bg kesedaran kat korang yg bergelar kaum hawa (yg membace entry nih) la yer....

andai kata esok adalah hari kiamat... sediakah anda utk tempuhi hari yg paling ditakuti oleh sume org....??? jika anda jawab bersedia alhamdulillah... jika anda kat belom bersedia tidak mengapa... masih ade mase utk kiter bertaubat....

n ade lg 1 soklan yg ingin saya tanya disini.... takutkah anda dgn mati? jika yer mengapa? muhasabah lah, diri anda semula.... terutama bg kaum hawa.... x lupe juge bg kaum adam juga yer... masih sempat utk kiter bertaubat....sesungguhnya ALLAH tu maha mendengar lagi maha penyayang....

jika anda ingin beri pendapat / ingin marah / memberi sebarang comment... silakan.... kiter bincang hal ini same2.... wassalam

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